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12 August, 2012

Week 12/13 - Feeling the benefits of the surgery

This may be one of the last posts on this blog - I think I am back to normal. There is a limitation of the range of motion, but there is no pain, I can run long distances, play badminton, and generally it is so much better than before the surgery. I think I should have done it earlier rather than wait for miraculous improvement, which would never happen on its own.

Yes, I had my moments of doubt - now I know for myself what successful recovery takes:

  • lots of strong painkillers just after surgery - to block the emergence of pain (and not kill the pain once it is there)
  • quick withdrawal of painkillers when one does not need them
  • remaining as active as possible (in the post-op shoe, then in normal comfortable footwear)
  • accepting some pain and challenging myself (but no torture!)
  • accepting that the recovery will take time, and believing that it will be better
If you are awaiting a cheilectomy or a similar procedure - take good care of yourself and try to remain positive!