I had not had any problems with my foot for a long time, therefore I did not expect any problems. As it was a business trip, and the hike was somewhat unexpected, I did not have proper hiking boots - I could only wear my running shoes. The hike was very scenic, we had a surprise single-lightning thunderstorm (which made us hesitate for a moment, but as we were halfway to the top, we agreed that going up or down would not make any difference).
The views were very spectacular. Unfortunately, the continuing hyperextension of the toe caused moderate pain in the joint. It would not prevent me to continue the climb...
And we made it to the top! It took approx. 1 hour to get there, and another hour to go down.
Actually, going down, while being much less effort to the heart, did put even more strain to the toe. Still, I made it to the top, I made it back to the base. The pain subsided in the evening...
.... perhaps not without a little help from....
Great! That's a super accomplishment. I'm here at the 2.5 yr point, and to my despair, I am beginning to feel the old pain, the hallux rigidus pain, not the recovery pain. As if the bone spur has grown again. I'm trying to pretend it's not happening because I know I will be looking at fusion.
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