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22 May, 2012

Day 11 - Back in my own shoes

Today I managed to put on a "normal" shoe (laced oxford), and I drove to the office. I took the post-op shoe with me just in case - but I did not need it. The normal, soft-sole shoe helped me start bending the foot, and the swelling decreased. I am back at home and quite happy; walking is not perfect, but there is no constant pain I had before the surgery.


  1. I have been overdoing it with the hobbling around without my crutches! Because I am walking differently, the cheilectomy foot is bothering me in other areas, like a few inches under the ankle bone. I was so happy to be back to some semblance of independence (carrying things, moving about the kitchen, cooking for my family), but now I see that I really have to slow down, rest, and use my crutches unless I absolutely cannot. I am still getting some spasming at night which make getting to sleep a challenge, but the pain and discomfort have subsided significantly. Today is Friday and I see my doctor in three days (on Monday) to get my stitches (and pin from my 5th toe hammertoe correction, I think) out.

  2. Day 11 ---- foot 2
    Impressed so many of you can covert to shoes so quickly. I really have little swelling, so I could fit in shoes, but my ortho requires the danko sandles for 6 weeks (foot #1 -5 weeks and hoping foot 2 will be 5 too!). Maybe because in addition to the cheilectomy, I get and aikin osteotomy .

    Really very little foot pain....had a great workout today....30 minuted bike and then a full round of weights. Toe hung in there nicely! Some pain in the toe joint the last 5 minutes of biking, so I cooled down. Low level of pain though, maybe a level 2. I have always worked out and enjoy it. At 52 the weight now goes on very easily, during my Chielectomy like Parsifal I gained some weight with foot 1 -12 weeks ago....over 10 pounds!!!!! This cannot be repeated with foot #2. My advise is to really eat healthy and reduce the calorie intake. Have to admit, my downfall was wine with dinner . Not this time. :)

  3. Day Eleven - So far so good. I rode my bike trainer for 35 minutes today. I will say that biking on my trainer sort of irritates my foot and stitches. One of my stitches actually came out, but the wound has already healed in that spot. I have found that I must continue to wear my post-op shoe for most of the day, otherwise, my foot becomes tired and swollen. I go to for my post-op visit on Monday. It was today, but I had to reschedule due to the holiday festivities with my family. I manipulated my toe with my hand with little pain. However, when I try to move it upwards on my own, the pain is excrutiating.

  4. Day 11. At last on my feet! Mostly around the house doing housework, and I began to feel ache and stitches tugging so rested foot, but in the evening walked across the park to the pub in my running shoes. I even caught a couple of frisbees with my nephew and friends before having a word with myself. I can also wear my fitflops with comfort. I think I will need to be careful not to overdo it!

  5. When I came out of surgery, my entire foot was wrapped in a big, thick bandage -- at least an inch of padding all around. That felt comfy and protective when I was just sitting around, but it was terrible when I put it in the post-op shoe and tried to walk. It was uneven under my foot, and felt like my thick sock had slid all the way down into my boot and was bunched under the ball of my foot.

    This was driving me crazy, so I called the office, and they said to come in today. The PA cut off all that bandaging and checked things out. The wound is healing nicely, and there isn't a lot of swelling, but she said the stitches aren't ready to come out yet. I'll have to wait until my follow-up appointment next week.

    She wrapped the ball of my foot in a much thinner bit of bandage and gave me an Aircast instead. Heaven! It's still big and clunky, and my foot gets sore after just a few minutes of walking, but this is MUCH more comfortable than the thick bandage/post-op shoe that I had before. I feel much more mobile.

    Part of my toe is still numb along the bottom and tip. I asked the PA about it, and she said that happens sometimes. Nothing they can do about it now, but it should get better over time.

    I asked whether I should be trying to do any movement or exercise on it, and she said I shouldn't do much yet. That surprised me, given what I'm reading from others on this blog, but I'm following directions. The surgeon works in a big sports medicine clinic and is the team doctor for an NHL team, so I'm sure he thinks about future function. Moving the toe hurts a lot, so at least I don't have to worry about that right now!

    1. Hi I've been reading bits and pieces of this blog ( at 1 week post-op not much else to do!). I too am a bit confused at the different levels of activity people do. I was told to try and limit my activity to 5-10 minutes per hour and the rest of the time foot elevated at heart level. Begin rehab 2 weeks post op. I guess if the wound isn't healed enough to exercise the bone likely isn't either??

  6. Another day in work, better again, didn't feel too bad at all by the end of it. I have been wearing normal shoes (today and yesterday). They do feel a little bit tight, especially by the afternoon, but not too bad. Better than wearing the awful sandal thing!

  7. It is Day 11 (I may have miscounted earlier) post-op bilateral cheilectomy, and tomorrow is my first follow-up. I'm being pretty religious about wearing the sandals, keeping the dressing dry, sleeping with feet elevated, and not pushing the activity levels in the belief that it will reduce total recovery time. I'm amazed at how far along many people in this blog have progressed, but for me, I feel like that is pushing too hard and might delay things, so I'm not going to hop on a bike, lift weights, or try to pretend I'm anywhere near normal with a bunch of stitches still in my feet.

    I find that I'm walking with a good deal more certainty, but still with a guarded gait. Pace is slow (probably just shy of 2 mph / 3 kph). I don't roll the foot, but plant the heel gently, and then roll toward the outer foot (avoiding flexion of the big toe) as I propel forward. It doesn't look or feel too bad, but it's obviously not a normal walk. I'm not sure what my walking endurance is at this point (still haven't left the house / yard). I have stood as long as an hour at a stretch, and my feet get pretty fatigued, but this may be because I have balled up dressings under both feet and have to compensate.

    Barring complications or instructions otherwise, I'm planning to drive to the grocery store this weekend and do the full grocery shopping experience. Right now, I feel like the connective tissue is still a little sore, but the real "fail point" for me will be the stitched skin. Until that's healed enough to tolerate the push/pull of movement, I'm not planning to do a lot of toe bending. After that, I'm hitting the road.

    1. I'm so curious as to how your healing is progressing. I'm 1 week post op and have the same outlook as you did at this point; with my wound still not healed, the bone certainly won't be and I won't be doing anything except short term walking, same technique as you, for another week. I'd love to hear how you are several months after surgery. Thanks!

  8. Day 11-12. The Weekend--home alternating between resting with foot up and walking around house. Went out on crutches both days to dog park, including down and up a short steep dirt hill.

    The last few days continue to alternate a deep disturbing pain that seems to be caused by the mobility exercises i'm supposed to do contrasted with no pain or discomfort at all. Am i pushing the mobilty exercises too much? As i do them it seems ok- i slowly bend the joint it just to the edge of pain, hold it and slowly back off. Just what i was told to do. Then do the same slowly the other direction. Dr says this is the most important thing right now for recovery and future mobilty. So ok, i'll do it. It makes sense. But Noone else i read on this blog mentioned this. Hmmmm.

    Dr. says I can take the post-op sandal off at night and i do. Some pain at night. In the day I can walk with stiff-soled sandal with no pain but I use crutches for longer distances (outside house) to reduce impact and go faster. Little or no pain when I'm walking around, even on the ball of the foot.

    Another problem is the wrap and gauze slip forward from the crutching. Arrgh. I have had to rewrap the elastic after every trip on crutches for the last week--so maybe 5-6 times a day. But if i wrap it tighter so it won't slip, it feels too tight. My two week post op is in two days and i hope i get the stitches and dressing removed, as planned. I seem to be healing great, but I'm getting tired of the troublesome bits!

    I took 2 ibuprofen on day 11 but no other pain meds this weekend (as of noon on day 12).

    Ps-i miscounted and what i wrote as day 8 (stayed home from work) was actually day 10. The last 4-5 days have all been very similar- little change generally.

    1. I’m on day 11, I have had also no pain at all , I took my pain meds every 3 hours the first few days than I backed off to longer periods between.i am now doing my excel uses, bending the tie forward I can hear the joint clicking which freaks me out , bending it down I feel pain and pulling the joint straight out is no pain. I have absolutely no swelling and very minimal bruising. In 4 days I will have the stitches out and back into a runner, I’m so ready to get out and walk my dog again.

  9. First day back to work. Really tiring. Discomfort/pain a little higher than it has been. Still taking a single anti-inflammatory.

  10. Day 11 - after left foot cheilectomy on a fifty-year-old-flat-footed-fit-female

    Writing today after skipping several since I felt there was a big difference all of a sudden in speed of walking, so feel like I'm turning the corner! Have been driving (automatic transition) /working my office job since Day 8 with no problem, but am keeping my foot hip (not heart) height when I can since it's more comfortable (no feeling of swelling). Still have the Day 2 bandage stuck with a scab to my scar and won't get stitches out until Day 15, so am still in the boot when out-and-about, but barefoot at home (my doc said to do that to encourage mobility of joint in my case). Doing mobility exercises about 3x/day. Not really icing anymore.

    I'm impressed with those of you who are wearing normal shoes and exercising!!

    Will probably check in next after stitches out (Day 15) unless there are other significant changes.

  11. Day 11....bilateral cheilectomies

    R foot more swollen then L foot. Rode AD bike today for 20 mins at alternating speeds, felt fine. Also did 15 mins of PT exercises for R tennis elbow (unfortunately foot surgery does not cure tennis elbow, even though the first 3 days post op the pain was totally gone!!!)

    Also, just took dog for short walk. We normally walk for 60+ mins 5 days a week (I work 2 12 hour shifts) and she keeps looking at me like "when are we walking???" It felt good to be outside and doing something, but we did not go far because our cat was following us and I didn't want him to bolt into traffic. Next time, I will remember to lock him on the porch, didn't have the energy or want to catch him and go back to put him on the porch. All of my activity is being done with my post op sandals.

    After my shower, I took the band aids off and 4 of the 6 steri-strips came off with them...I'm guessing that is OK since incision looks well healed.

    Decided to leave grocery shopping for another day....time to use up what is in the pantry, fridge and freezer!!

  12. I am 11 days in of the Chelitcomy and Cartiva and I have 11 days left before my first post visit on Jan 30th. My range of motion is good with my hand is doing the work. When I am controlling my own actions with foot muscles, planterflexion is reasonably good with very little impedments, and really for 10 years of fairly stiff toe, my dorsiflexsion is OK. However I feel a lot of clicking in the beginning, then its OK. I wonder if that is just the tightness of the soft tissue pulling the toe and rubbing against the Cartiva. Once I get through it once or three times I can move it well. Once I stop for a minute of so, its back to clicking for the first movement. I cannot pull the toe up as far as I can push it up, but I didn't expect that either.

    It's still lots of snow on the ground, so I can trying to figure out how to get out of the house. I feel like I am on house arrest. I envy all of you, who have already has your dressings off and changed and post op visit.

    When I flex my foot, I get a lot of tightness around the toe joint on top and the planter facia area from the heel to the ball of the foot and across. Trying to keep it all stretched and moving, not releasing to quickly.

  13. Day11
    My stitches clipped today. The incision site looks perfect bar a 2mm fragment of bone that has ejected itself. A couple of steri strips and another visit in 2 days with the nurse.
    The toe bends manually quite well, with huge tension under the ball of my foot. I have the same mobility as preoperatively so I guess my soft tissues have become tight with time. I’d love to give the ball of my foot a good work over with a massage ball but don’t want anything to split.
    Nurse advised no swimming until I see my Dr in another 2 weeks!!! I’m a’s killing me.
    I’m unsure whether I can walk and bend my toe or try and keep a flat foot not to open the wound???

    1. As you can see from my blog - I went for a walk on day 13 (no shoes, walking on tarmac (flat surface ... I had moved from East Anglia to a warm place). No problems with the walk. Swimming was on Day 15 for me.

  14. Cheers Parsifal. I think you’d appear a little strange walking barefooted in East Anglia.

    1. Indeed this might cause some concerns. Unless it was on Friday night of course....


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