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17 May, 2012

Day 6 - Shower in standing position (!)

Further improvement. I showered in the morning without using the chair and tried walking without the post-op shoe. The foot gets quite swollen after sitting or walking, so best to stay on a sofa or a recliner keeping it up n the air.

The dressing makes me crazy; the skin under the bandage is itchy, and I had to use a screwdriver for scratching it (not at the incision site, of course). I am tempted to take it off and wash my foot properly; my reason tells me it is not the best thing to do. Need to get through a few more days.

Walking is not a problem, even in the garden - on the grass, sand etc.


  1. doctor told me to stay at hoe with my foot raised 4-5days, so I am doing SIX! foot feels good, can walk around a bit. Went shopping and made a simple dinner.

    Peeled off the dressing today, as it was really bugging me because it seemed very tight. The foot looks gross, kind of like a fennel bulb with blue blotches

    1. Today was day 6, and I am home recovering. Last night started cleaning out a big closet for hours and continued today for hours. Had 30 years of clothes, toys, and a mess. Clothes are headed to goodwill. Foot was not disturbed much by all the standing and walking around.

      Foot has been pretty normal, but still a little swollen and stiff when I walk. Reacts well to standing and walking, and I took a 10 minute walk with the dog.

      Discovered the goal high heels (have several pairs here) are at least a size too small on the right foot, which had no surgery. For the surgery foot, it is something like the wicked stepsister trying to get into the glass slipper. I will need to buy new shoes. Very unfortunate since I have so many nice unworn pairs of dress shoes. My presurgery problem must have been partly that both feet got bigger, and the shoes didn't.

  2. Hi There,
    I wanted to reply to this post because I'm wondering how much walking I should be doing. I stayed off my feet for three days as instructed by the dr. But I did start putting weight on it on day 4. It gets swollen though, so I try not to walk around that much. My foot is heavily padded though and when I walk, it really is hard on the outside of my ankle. Was it supposed to be padded like that to reduce the impact on my big toe?

    Thanks, Allison

    1. I think it depends on how you are feeling about it.

      I would definitely not put any weight on the toe until at least two weeks after the surgery, and then very gradually increase the load.

  3. Hi

    This is a back dated post to share some of my experiences with surgery in a body that is vulnerable to complications.

    When I got up on Day 6 I noticed that I felt the same weakness and delirium I felt on Day 4 shortly before receiving acupuncture. Didn't know the nature of the problem, which seemed to ebb and flow, ebbing more as I sat up in my ground floor computer chair.

    A friend, retired from LPN practice and veteran of several surgery procedures, asked me how I was doing in the water and food department. I admitted that I still didn't have much appetite and was beginning to worry about my kidney output. It seemed I was peeing every hour even though I barely ate or drank. She told me that this is not uncommon for some kidney compromised patients, which means that my kidney/liver may have been working over time to rid my body of as much drug material as possible.

    She said it was absolutely urgent that I get both fluid and protein into my system along with some kind of electrolyte balancing agent. We agreed that I would concentrate on drinking tomato/vegetable juice mix (to restore my potassium levels) and beef broth (though I think she would have preferred that I eat an actual steak or - cooked beef or chicken liver, which I chose against because of my liver issues). She also suggested that I start taking Colase for the post opiate colon issues, though after doing some research and thinking about my GI history I decided against that approach. Instead I added a mix of flax oil and three brans (wheat, oat and flax) into my weak AM cereal. I also picked out and started taking a plant medicine based mineral supplement for its easy digestibility.

    After drinking a large glass of the tomato vegetable juice I got some bowel relief, and spent the rest of the day slowly hydrating myself and resting on the couch. Even at the end of the day I couldn't sit upright for more than an hour or so.

    Still, I was able to manage mostly on my own, getting up only for potty breaks, which were still frequent. The rest of the time I made good use of the DVR/Blue Ray players.

    I didn't blog on that day because I was too weak and woozy to do so. Hence the decision to catch up now, on Day 10.

    Lady Toes

  4. Also want to mention this - after spending a horrific night on the couch on Dressing Change Day 5, my husband and I agreed that I would find my way up the stairs (on my backside, with him carrying my crutches ahead of me) and onto a proper mattress - one we bought to accommodate my arthritis - to sleep from now on.

    It was hard to get there but worth the effort. On Night 6 I slept a full, uninterrupted 8 hours for the first time since surgery day.

    Lord knows I needed the rest.

    Lady Toes

  5. I continue to improve. I am still working remotely at home, so I am now doing 8 hour days.

    I have very little discomfort. The nagging "big toe pain" that I've lived with for 20 years is gone. The range of motion in both toes is better than before surgery.

    I am still hanging around the house. Haven't driven yet.

  6. Feeling much better. I have not taken percocet nor any other painkiller since noon yesterdsy. Slept fine all night. I put pressure on the heel quite a bit today with no pain and, of course greater mobiity. I can use the heel and hold onto the rail/wall to go up and downstairs, as opposed to doing so on my bottom previously.

  7. Pain is more like an annoying ache today. I am getting tired of being an invalid (it is not my nature to ask for help) though it is clear I still very much need my husband to wait on me. I fell this morning in the kitchen, trying to balance on one foot while mixing my yogurt. Fortunately, I landed squarely on my tush, so all remains well with my operated-on foot. I am now able to flex and point my ankle without pain, which I regard as a positive sign that I am actually healing! My plan was to do the left foot as soon as possible and I was having doubts as to how soon that could realistically be, but today I am slightly more hopeful.

  8. I want to add to my post that I am less tired today, which may mean I am getting stronger, but at the same time, depression is setting in big time. I am questioning whether I should have had the surgery at all (I was NOT in constant pain as some bloggers are/were, my main complaint being that I was limited in my physical activities-- walking more than a mile, running on a hard surface-- as well as in my choice of footwear-- I basically lived in my orthaheel flip flops) In any event, I am now not sure I should proceed with the second foot. Part of me wants to get it done and over with, especially before changes in healthcare make it more difficult to get pre-certified to do so, the other part of me does not want to go through this invalidism again, though in life we never know ... things happen. There are no guarantees.

  9. Day 6 foot #2 for me now. First foot 12 weeks ago. Parsifal I cannot thank you enough for his blog. It was my daily companion through the first foot and I am back to the blog again for reinforcement for foot #2. Denise my philosophy is why wait? Parsifal's advise is great.... At 12Weeks foot#1 is coming around nicely. Foot #2 is 11 weeks behind but with PT will get there even faster...I now know what I am doing! :)

  10. Hi Kimberly (and all other contributors to this blog), I decided to stick with my original plan of getting foot number two done asap, so that is precisely what I have done. Surgery was yesterday, which makes today "Day 2" for my left foot. It is so great to have this blog to remind me what I went through the first time around! (Surgery on my right foot was Oct. 8, 2013- about seven weeks ago). I stopped posting about my right foot after week five, at which point I was able to fit into a few pairs of my regular shoes and back to doing most of my regular activities, though continuing to waddle a bit.

  11. Day Six - Slept great last night in the bed. I did wake up with the tightness in my foot, but it wasn't really painful, so I fell back to sleep quickly. Even though I have "worked out" with stretch cords and a medicine ball every day since surgery, I have not broken a sweat and am feeling a little puffiness in my hips. So, today, I am going to attempt to get onto my bike trainer and ride for at least 30 minutes to get my heart rate up. If I experience pain, I will stop. I have already tried on the clip on shoe this morning and it fits snugly. Today is December 21 and I have yet to do any Christmas shopping! Going to attempt getting out in the masses and getting it done! This should be an interesting day! Pray for me!

    1. Be careful... Better get the wound healed properly. With your determiination you can easily get rid of the extra kgs or lbs or stones quickly afterwards. In my opinion, not worth risking the opening of the stitches. It is not a competition...

    2. Thank you, Parsifal. I think you may be right! I did do some Christmas and grocery shopping today. I, also, had to meet with a client at the office. By the time I got home with the groceries, I was worn out! Is it just me or did you all get tired more easily the week after surgery? The bandage on my foot was tight and I knew that I needed to get off of it. So, now, I'm propped up trying to regroup. I'm disappointed that I haven't ridden the trainer today, but I don't think my foot is up to it at this point. Maybe tomorrow...

    3. Everyone is tired after surgery. Your body suffered physical damage, now it needs most of its resources to repair itself. Give it some time, it needs it.

  12. Very pleased with progress today- this was my first day back after 2 days off last week and a nice 3 day weekend. I actually went to the gym today at 5am and was able workout (straight leg deallifts, pullups). I did it with no shoes on (was very careful) but too hard to do it with a boot on as it is of a diferent height of my other shoe. I had a long day at work (longer than I wanted) and felt great until very late afternoon. No major pain, just "pressure"??? I'm icing as we speak with a Polar Ice Machine. My gate/walk is ALMOST normal today and actually got better as the day progressed until late today. I'm really, really, pleased so far with having this procedure done and assuming I continue will be recommending both the doctor and procedure to all that are inflicted with a similar problem. I'm mad at myself for waiting this long...

  13. CR Day 6

    Decided to see if the pain was manageable without pills, so stopped taking them yesterday. Slept well. Spent my 30 mins. on morning exercise, stretch and yoga. (in bed) My 13 year daughter joined me for a time and then left, not finding them much fun. Had a few twinges/spasms in my foot - was tolerable. Continue to spend lots of time with feet up and ice packs. Able to walk without walker around the house (putting weight only on heel and outside of foot.

    Went out with my daughter and leaned on her as needed for walking. In the evening, we had an unexpected gathering of friends and family, who kept showing up and we watched the first Hobbit movie, which also included an unexpected gathering. Nice to be able to relax and have my foot up again in the evening. Had to work on not consuming too many treats that people brought. My foot was fairly uncomfortable overnight and I didn’t sleep that well, took a pill the following morning.

  14. I had my surgery 6 days ago. I have been showering with a Curad cast cover, walking around and "sleeping" with the Frankenstein shoe elevated. I wear the shoe 100% of the time. I'm able to wiggle my big toe without pain. No meds since day 2, only asperin to prevent bloodclots and antibiotics to prevent infection. I'm moving around a lot, and only experience discomfort after a full day of too much moving and not enough elevating. Elevating relieves the discomfort. No pain at all, except the pain in the rump from having to wear the shoe, which my surgeon says is necessary. Not allowed to drive.....or run. Sniff!!!

  15. Day 6. Reduced pain relief over the weekend, but not sure if ready to give up completely. Got extra supplies of cocodamol from my GP which I have now had to use. Not used up the anti swelling prescription either. Pain and itch might be bearable.

    Continuing to mostly keep foot elevated although moving around a lot more and becoming less dependent on others. Had a lovely lunch in the garden with extended family but no wine for me yet. Following that feast my bowels finally moved.

    Today I might visit my allotment garden to sit there with my elevated foot for a change of scenery. This will involve walking a few minutes and cab ride, but should be good for my mental well being. Will cover the bandage with a sock so that it doesn't get muddy.

    Tomorrow I was supposed to attend nurse led clinic to look at wound. The appointment has been postponed until next week. This is frustrating, so may need to take action myself to remove and change dressing.

    Today is a public holiday but tomorrow I might start to turn my attention to some work issues, although to date my inability to concentrate has hindered me.

    Also would like to begin some upper body yoga and exercises with my exercise ball. Beginning to feel out if shape. Not sure if I can manage much and certainly no standing poses!

  16. I have had a little more pain than some of the others on here. Day 6 was a tough one. After moving around a bit more than usual on day 5, I really felt a set back day 6. I have switched to ibuprofen as I just don't tolerate pain meds well. I'm able to wiggle my toe and definitely continue to improve.

  17. Hi All,
    I am 6 days postop for left toe joint. I am feeling pain in left ankle and knee possibly from favouring when walking anyone else experience this? No real foot pain just ankle feels like a sprain ( its very weak most of the time). See Dr. In a week to remove bandage. I think I am being paranoid about every twinge. Thanks for this forum I refer to it often. V in Canada

  18. Today was oddly painful. I am surprised that today seemed more painful than yesterday. Sometimes today it was fine and other times today my toe hurt, a lot. No one in my family was here during the day so I was doing more for myself, but I still spent the majority of the day on the couch with my foot elevated. I am looking forward to my doctor appointment tomorrow so I can get his take on my recovery and next steps for me.

  19. My first post here. I'm on day 6 following surgery on right toe. A real breakthrough today and yesterday being able to "walk" without crutches all be it for only a short while. I had my left toe fused 15 years ago and it was only this year when my right toe started to produce similar symptoms. Interestingly I must be the only one on this blog told not to wear a surgical shoe or a moon boot as we call it in Australia. My surgeon said I can if I want to but he doesn't recommend it. Wants me to walk. When I googled cheilectomy not once did I read that a surgical shoe wasn't recommended. Is he right? Anyway I'm pleased with my progress. No pain, no meds, good bowels and progressively placing less demands on others to help me do every day tasks. Still spending a lot of time with foot in the air but this is reducing.

  20. I spent a good bit of today walking barefoot around the house. I feel better barefoot than in the surgical shoe. Maybe it's because I can feel exactly where my foot is tight/loose. My foot hurts, but it feels better in motion than standing still. Whenever I stop, the blood feels like it's pooling, and everything gets pretty tight and painful.

    I'm also still icing with the cryo-cuff a lot, and elevating a lot. The rest of my body is pretty unhappy with all this sitting, so I'm trying to do some light weights on my arms, some abdominals, some stretching. I'm also rolling my foot across a lacrosse ball a bit. The bottom of my foot is cramping from time to time, and I want to keep the tissue loose. The lacrosse ball helps. I may also have tried some one-legged squats on the sore foot, just to keep the muscle tone in my leg, but it hurt a lot and was probably a bit too soon.

    In the evening, I left the house for the first time since surgery. Went out for drinks with a few friends. I wore my surgical shoe. It turns out that walking slowly and gingerly around the house is a very different thing from walking to cover distance, and hurrying to cross the street. My foot was pretty cranky in the bar. It was difficult to elevate it enough to get it to stop hurting, but I did eventually manage it. It was a distraction to the evening unfortunately.

  21. I'm on Day 6. It's interesting how varied everyone's stories are. Judging by the average, I seem to be ahead of the curve. There's still swelling, but it is not a nuisance. Yesterday, my doctor gave me an inflatable boot, which looks like the old Reebok Pumps on steroids but costs about three times as much. I can get around fine without it, but I feel more secure with it on, as it allows the foot to roll forward without putting any pressure on the toes. I can't drive with it--I have to use the post-op shoe for that--so I'm going to have to carry it separately if I go anywhere. My knees were hurting yesterday, and I'm thinking I might have done too much yesterday.

  22. I feel like Garry - ahead of the curve - but it may be that the procedure has improved over the years? I am not sure, but I went about my normal day today all day, with the exception of wearing the surgical boot outside. Just wore the wrap only inside. My only concern is managing to keep the dressing on for 9 more days until my appointment.
    Runner from VA

  23. At Day 6 post-op both feet - I feel like the dramatic recovery feeling has pretty much stalled out. I overdid the walking (wasn't using the boot) on Day 4, and I am pretty sure I pulled something in my left heel, so it's been pretty uncomfortable when I put pressure on it. I spent the first night in bed last night, and slept a good bit better. No more meds of any sort, so my head feels clearer.

    There is no pain when I'm sitting or reclining. My right foot seems pretty stable under all circumstances, and the left is irritable and strained. My feet feel gross with all the dressing but no unbearable itching yet.

    If I work up to it, I can wiggle everything (upward wiggle of toes triggers a little shooting pain so I don't really do it). I can also manage to stay on my feet for a while if I work slowly up to it because the first few minutes are uncomfortable. I have been lying back in the shower and using the detachable shower head to give myself a proper cleaning the past two days - I will continue this routine until the dressing comes off, rather than fight with a plastic bag.

    My appetite is back to normal, which is unfortunate because I can't exercise much to keep weight gain from happening. I've been doing leg lifts and crunches while reclined to keep the blood flowing. I get up and around about 4 times a day for about 10 minutes, and I'm taking meals at the dining room table to stay upright and keep some pressure off my back.

    The main challenge is feeling unproductive, so to preserve sanity, I've been rotating between Netflix, video games, and Japanese language lessons. Nevertheless, I'm feeling pretty unproductive, and that is wearing on me.

    Overall, I'm glad I did the surgery, because I can see that I will recover, and the foot pain and discomfort I was experiencing pre-op was only getting better. I timed surgery for the cold winter, but we've been having a run of nice days, and I'm itching to get back outside!

  24. I missed a few days of posting. I'm now on day 6. I mentioned earlier (day 3-5) having a major increase in pain. I was taking pain meds regularly and it still hurt. Thank goodness I have the crutches or I'd need help to even get to the bathroom. Nurse daughter added Senna (laxative) to the list of meds. I was already taking Colase and drinking lots of water, but still no results. Luckily today I was in luck in that department.

    Last night, my bandage felt so tight on the top part of my foot(above the arch) I couldn't take it anymore. I removed the bandage around that area without removing anything near the incision. The minute the skin was exposed, blisters started popping up all over the top of my foot. They looked liked second degree burns. It felt better to have the pressure off but still painful. I called this morning to get into the doctor today!!

    Well, the doctor was pretty shocked at my foot and apologized. He said it does not normally look like that. On the up side, they removed the entire dressing, did a set of X-rays, and he put a new bandage on that was very lightly wrapped with the medicated pads over incision and blisters. I was told to change dressing daily now until stitches come out next week. I was also instructed to try to ditch the crutches and walk on the heel with the shoe. This has become extremely painful the last few days, so tonight I baby stepped to the bathroom with crutches but trying to put weight flat on foot. When I try to flex heel upward and put weight on the heel, all kinds of nerves are fired up. Can't stand to be up for long with the blood rushing down to the feet.

    Haven't had pain meds since 2 am and am going to try toughing it out now with Tylenol. We will see how the sleeping goes.

  25. Early appointment to get my bandage changed and get a first look at how my foot looks. Was surprised on several fronts at what I saw. There was a good bit of bruising on my other toes but not my big toe. There was very little swelling. The PA said that my bandaging had very little blood which was a good sign that I have behaved well during my first week. I have been freed from the boot at night in bed (but still need to walk with it). I get to change socks and wear my own sock. They are okay with me being up a little more and I don't have to leave it propped up all the time. I can help out and stand a bit more, just need to use caution and pay attention to the twinges. Going to try to cut back to 1 anti-inflammatory a day now. Got a few more steps in today, but am paying for it. Was excited to sleep without the boot, but my foot hurt a little bit off and on through the night. This has probably been my most painful day, but I have no one but myself to blame for overdoing it.

  26. It has been six days post surgery, and I'm scheduled for a dressing change and follow up with my surgeon today. I have still not had any notable pain, but I have been careful to keep the foot elevated more than not. Using crutches in a house with stairs sucks, and my energy level doesn't seem quite normal yet, as I tire easily while hobbling around. I can wiggle my down a bit with no pain, but I get more sensation when i try to flex it up.

    So, I was scheduled for a noon doctor appointment, and I took Uber as my wife was at work. This is my first time out of the house really since the procedure. The nurse starts taking off the dressing, and there is quite a bit of blood. She says that she will leave the last bit for the doctor and leaves. I'm a little worried.

    The doctor takes the remainder of the dressing off, and my foot is still swollen, but it looked better than i expected. He was pleased with it, and he said the bleeding bandage is normal for what he had done. He also said the latest x-rays look really good with nice joint spacing. My surgeon doesn't lack confidence, but his words were that this x-ray was "text book".

    As he described my toe while open, he said that there was the normal spurring plus 2 surprise loose fragments -- one in the cartilage and one heading toward the front of my foot. He also said there were some "denuded" areas where I had no cartilage at all, but he didn't seem as worried about it as me. He drilled holes to help stimulate some scar tissue growth, and he reiterated that I had nice spacing now on x-ray which is good. He also reiterated that he had done the osteotomy which would help. Apparently, they got 75% dorsal flexion during the operation, and he feels like I should have a really nice outcome.

    I was booked to come back in two weeks, and he said that I could stop using the crutches but continue with the post op boot. He also said that I can start gently manipulating my big toe up and down slightly.

    I was very happy with the visit, and I'm looking forward to returning to regular tennis for the New Year. I am going to be careful not to push things too quickly though, but I'm cautiously optimistic.

  27. Day 6 - Didn't do much of nothing, just hung around the house being a computer nerd all day! Haven't been taking any pain pills at all since like day 3 except for sometimes take one right before going to bed to sleep better & not deal with any pains keeping me awake. I feel pretty good though all in all, just a wee bit sore and have to watch the way I step. I'll post further updates if anything changes but basically just solely healing up so far and taking it easy, catching up on stuff around the house. Might have to make a run to town sometime tomorrow, still don't know if I'm ready to drive the manual but I'll see what I feel like.

  28. Day 6: Cheilectomy and Cartiva - first day I felt nerve stabbing and throbbing in and around the joint. Most discomfort comes from the old dressing scratching the stitches area when trying to dorsaflex. Have yet to be out of the house, just got more snow. I wonder every night why my follow up is 3 weeks out to change or remove my dressing. Just taking 3 Aleeve twice a day. Elevate when not moving or standing. Started foam rolling my shins, calves down to the ankle. It seems to loosen up the muscles that move the toes. Sleeping without the boot, but foot elevated on my trusty foam 10” wedge pillow with angle support.

    Might start some upper body weight lifting tomorrow as I am getting bored of not moving. Dog is very confused why we are not walking together, but the fish like the extra attention.

  29. A pretty good day today. It’s the second day without meds and I had my best night’s sleep last night. There is no remaining pain from the surgery and – I only just realised this – none of the discomfort I had before the surgery. I am continuing to follow doctor’s orders not to walk without crutches but I am increasingly confident that I could do so – in a strange heely, shuffly way – if I wanted to.
    I was quite into club running and other things before the op, I have to say I am not suffering as much as others from the lack of exercise. I am rapidly getting used to the way of the couch sloth and only wish the op had been two weeks later, in time for the World Cup. This might be because my ‘good’ leg has a torn meniscus that has meant I have not been running since February anyway.

  30. Not taken any painkillers today. 1pm. Can now localise low pain around incision site only. Still can’t get cycling shoe on. Going to try gym with crutches and pull a few simple weights with plenty of foot up resting. This ordeal is psychologically challenging for me by doing no activity.
    I’m hopeful I’m over the hump now.����

  31. Gym helped, psychologically. Just pulled on some gym machine handles. Took one set of ibuprofen and paracetamol only today. Needed to put foot up regularly. Definitely “walking better” barefoot. Walking shoe doesn’t agree with me. Full on crutches outside to move at speed. Have been doing minimal ROM exercises. Will start heavier on day 10. Funny how pain is on the ball of my foot when dorsiflex toe, possibly due to lack of movement for a few years, or relief by surgeon under the sesamoids??
    On the whole....progress.

  32. Day 6- once again this blog has been brilliant for me. It’s great to read I am not alone in feeling a bit more like myself today and now needing the patience to get through week 2.
    My foot is good while resting. The boot hurts when I walk so today I am just using crutches and being really careful. I am only putting my heel down and not putting any weight on it.
    I can’t believe it will be a week tomorrow that it was done. That feels like a milestone.
    I have printed off three new dances to look at while I rest 😁 I have had a kettle bought up so I can make a cup of tea when I feel like it ☕️
    I have had a few headaches this week which is unusual for me so I am taking an occasional ibuprofen but apart from that no painkillers.
    I will update again in a few days time 😁


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