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28 May, 2012

Day 17 - The toe is bending!

Today I noticed that I can bend the toe upwards and downward (just a little) - it may have something to do with yesterday's visit to the beach and walking on the soft sand. Anyway, this feels great, and there is practically no pain in the joint. The scar is OK; scabs are falling off.

Tomorrow I am off to the West (of the US) - so far, so good, so I expect this to be uneventful.


  1. I am walking better today, a little faster and more upright. Even going up and down steps, I feel much more stable, though I am nowhere near able to"push off" with my toes. Happily I experienced little to no achiness in my toe today, probably the first time since the surgery. I still cannot get my foot wet, but managing my shower by myself is a cinch. I want to say how much I appreciate this blog. Reading all the entries, and knowing that I will be contributing mine, has really helped me through my cheilectomy recovery! I will not be blogging (at least not daily) for my second surgery, but it will be nice to go back and read my entries from the first one! Thank you!

  2. I am spending more and more time out of the house. I wear Roboboot in public, but I am doing okay with Crocs in my house. I'm not winning any foot races, but I am getting around. I'm not able to "push off" with my toes either. I went to see some kids I know in a play this afternoon. Several people bumped into Roboboot in the lobby. I am so glad I had it on and not real shoes. I am returning to work tomorrow (teaching elementary school) and I must wear Roboboot for at least a week. After today, I'm thinking I might wear it longer.

  3. No major updates. My foot is a little achy, but I expect that's normal. Walking the dogs is one of my biggest challenges at the moment as it's the longest walk I need to take, and I need to take it several times a day. I have in my mind the surgeon's words that I could do anything except wear heels, but the pain prevents me from doing too, too much.

    I am trying to exercise in my basement though, to keep the rest of the body happy and undo some of the aches and pains that come as a result of limping around. Still doing weighted squats with my weight on my heels. A lot of work with a weighted bar, actually, weight always on the heels. Also arm work, abdominals, and of course, stretching.

    I'm also trying to curl and flex my foot. The range of motion is definitely limited, and both hurt if I push too far.

  4. I'm on day 19 and supposed to have 2 more days in the boot. I've worn it consistently but took it off and started toe joint movement exercises as instructed. I'm perplexed at people getting into shoes so fast. I hobble and hop without the boot. I tried to slip into a big shoe last night and it hurt and only highlighted that my foot is swollen. Anyways, just sharing my bit to help provide a range of experiences for others. Going to beach this weekend and will try walking on sand. Maybe that will help speed this up!

  5. Was able to do 5 miles on the elliptical today (surgical boot on one foot, regular running shoe on the other). I kept my foot very flat and never lifted my heels, trying to prevent any stress on the metatarsal. Considering trying to replace the boot with a running shoe tomorrow since that didn't seem to bother my foot at all. It will definitely be a few more days before regular/dress shoes are an option, as the incision area is a little sensitive. Hoping that high heels might one day grace my feet again (but don't tell my doctor that!)!

    Like Parsifal at this stage, I can lift my toe up and lower it just a bit, which is encouraging. I'm still working it with my hands a couple of times a day....not too hard, but flexing it gently both ways as directed. Baby steps!

    Runner from VA

  6. Day 17, but Day 3 of "back to normal." Wearing my Frankenstein sandals, I walked a half mile to, and half mile back, from a panel presentation this morning. Walking was a little slow and stiff, but doable. I might have strained something slightly in my arch, but otherwise tolerated it pretty well. I've gone back to taking stairs, and experimented with some gentle toe flexing, which I could tolerate to a certain point. I was also able to take the garbage can back up the hill to my driveway - I wasn't doing well with sloping terrain before today.

    Definite progress being made in terms of function. It seems like I have had the same level of tingling / numbness in my right toe for 2-3 days now, but the ball of the foot seems a little better, so I think things are progressing slowly.

    Overall, activities of daily living are about 90% back to normal. The surgical site is ugly from the markers, but bruising is minimal, and the glue covers are about to fall off. I'm showering and doing normal stuff as normal, and threw the kettle bell around a bit without any issues. My main exercise requires a lot of foot involvement, though, so I'm going to wait a week or two before jumping heavily into it.

    The next step will be to schedule physical therapy for next week - I'm being referred for swelling control, scar tissue massage, desensitization, and improving range of motion. Fingers crossed...

  7. Drove today for the first time. Surgery was on left foot so it wasn't a huge deal, but felt nice. Biggest issue was getting the boot up and in the car. Feeling some odd soreness back near my ankle. Glad that I will be able to ask about it tomorrow. A little apprehensive about getting the stitches out. They are sutures, so I am hoping it will not be too painful. Just concerned they have been in longer than most others so I hope the skin hasn't grown around them too much.

  8. Day17 post-left foot cheilectomy, Female, 50yo

    Big news for Day 17: I can wear (one pair) of normal shoes! A soft leather zip-on boot with <1 heel that is super roomy in the toe but stays on because it grips above the ankle. Walking is pretty easy; only difficulty is going downstairs in bare feet, as the normal flexion is not there yet.

    (I'm writing this as of Day 22 - Note that I was also able to wear my biggest/widest sneakers starting Day 20, but the boot described above is still the only normal shoe... I am a fashion fail...)

  9. Day17. No longer pain in the joint like before the op, but pain from the surgery. The ball of my foot is tender. Good ROM on exercises.
    Couldn’t begin to push with my toes though.


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